Driving in Uruguay
In Uruguay you drive on the right-hand side of the road.
The speed limit on the highways is 110 km/hr (68 miles per hour).
There are around a dozen tolls throughout the country that you need to pay when travelling between some of the cities. These tolls usually cost around US$3.
Taking a car into Uruguay
When bringing a car into Uruguay, usually from Argentina or Brazil, you need to have the following requirements in mind: (please only use as a reference and check official information beforehand)
MERCOSUR Vehicles:
Mercosur vehicles are ones that are registered and licensed in any of the Member States of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Venezuela). These vehicles, when they are for private use as a tourist, can circulate freely though the vehicles must be driven personally by the owner (or their spouse) or a relative, provided that they are not residents in the country.
Documentation required to establish the quality of the vehicle:
- Car ownership documents
- Driver's license
- Valid Liability Insurance (Green card)
- License plates and registration from the country of origin
- Power of Attorney certified by a Notary Public (if the driver is not the owner)
Length of stay: Mercosur vehicles may remain in the territory for a period of 3 months. After this period their stay must be formalized with the customs authority.
Tourists who are owners or who lease property in Uruguay, but who ordinarily reside outside the country can obtain an extension of up to a maximum of 24 months for their vehicle.
Non-MERCOSUR Vehicles:
These vehicles may enter on a temporary basis as long as they are for the private use as a tourist.
The vehicles must be driven personally by the owner, or duly authorized user (Power of Attorney by a Notary Public), by their spouse or a relative up to the 2nd degree of blood relationship, provided that they are not usual residents in the country.
They may be driven by a professional driver who can prove their capacity as such with sufficient proof to the customs authority.
Documentation required:
- Car ownership documents
- Passport
- Driver's license
- Valid Liability Insurance.
- Power of Attorney certified by a Notary Public (if the driver is not the owner).
- The owner or duly authorized user must make a sworn statement to customs (Power of Attorney by a Notary Public) which contains:
- 1) Identification details of the vehicle and a list of it accessories.
- 2) Personal details of the owner or authorized driver.
Length of stay: The length of stay permitted for the vehicle in the country is 1 year.
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