Museums in Caracas


A list of some of the museums you can visit in Caracas, Venezuela.

Museo de Arte Contempráneo (Museum of Contemporary Art)
Here you can find some of Picasso's work, as well as many other famous artists both from Venezuela and abroad. It is one of the best collections of Modern art in all of South America. (Parque Central)

Museo de Arte Colonial (Museum of Colonial Art)
The gardens surrounding the building are perhaps more beautiful than the artworks inside. The beautiful old mansion displays objects and artwork from the colonial period, set up just as the house would have been at the time. We've heard that sometimes small chamber orchestra groups hold concerts on Sunday afternoons.

Museo de Bellas Artes (Museum of Fine arts)
This museum is the oldest museum of Venezuela. The building has five floors in which exhibitions, both national and international, are frequently held. Some of the symbolic works of this Museum are "La Ciudad" (The City) by Alexander Calder; "Cubo rojo" (Red Cube) by Jesus Soto and "Estructura Solar" (Solar Structure) by Alejandro Otero as well as a collection of Egyptian art acquired the 1950s from the Metropolitan of New York.
Address: Plaza de los Museos, Paseo Los Caobos, Bellas Artes. Next to the Ateneo of Caracas. The closest subway station is Bellas Artes.
Open: Tuesday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. On Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Museums to visit

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